Non Landed Private Residential Property - Apartments & Condomium
Non Landed Private Residential Property in Jun 2018 showed a decrease in sales volume vis a vis May by 31.2%, across both resale (1225 units in Jun vs 1659 units in May) and new sale transactions (575 units in Jun vs 992 units in May). On a Q-to-Q basis however, sales volume was up by 46.3% from 4787 in Q1’2018 to 7004 in Q2’2018. The average psf for sold units from new sale was up by 10.3% from $1639 psf in May to $1808 psf in Jun. The average psf for resale was however down by 2.3% from $1382 psf in May to $1350 psf in Jun. As for the size of the units sold, units from the new sale average around 837 sqft while that from the resale average around 1370 sqft in Jun

Landed Private Residential Property (Non Strata)