Non Landed Private Residential Property - Apartments & Condomium
Non Landed Private Residential Property in Sep 2018 showed an increase in sales volume vis a vis Aug by 19.9% (1359 units in Sep vs 1133 units in Aug). Main contributor was from the new sale transactions where volume increased from 494 units in Aug to 807 units in Sep, Resale transactions however, showed a decrease from 618 units in Aug to 533 units in Sep. On a Q-to-Q basis, sales volume was down by 27% from 7004 units in Q2’2018 to 5111 units in Q3’2018. The decline was caused by the measures and the hungry ghost month.
The average psf for sold units from new sale was flat from $1659 psf in Aug to $1677 psf in Sep. The average psf for resale was also flat from $1339 psf in Aug to $1328 psf in Sep.
As for the size of the units sold, units from the new sale average around 841 sqft while that from the resale average around 1186 sqft in Sep

Landed Private Residential Property (Non Strata)