Non Landed Private Residential Property - Apartments & Condomium
Non Landed Private Residential Property in Mar 2018 showed an increase in sales volume vis a vis Feb by 22.8%, mainly contributed by sales from new launched projects (682 units in Mar vs 350 units in Feb). On a Q-to-Q basis, sales volume was actually down by 20.6% from 6031 in Q4’2017 to 4787 in Q1’2018. The average psf for sold units from new sale was down by 3.6% from $1657 psf in Feb to $1597 psf in Mar. The average psf for resale was however flat at $1319 psf ($1322 psf in Feb). As for the size of the units sold, units from the new sale average around 805 sqft while that from the resale average around 1723 sqft in Mar.

Landed Private Residential Property (Non Strata)
Landed Residential Property Sales Volume in Mar 2018 was relatively flat compared to Feb 2018. On a Q-to-Q basis, it was also flat at 523 in Q1’2018 vis a vis 529 in Q4’2017. However, based on a longer horizon, it has been on an upward trend since Jan 2016. Ave Price per sf is also flat, hovering around $1320 psf.